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Table of Contents for: Ye Are Gods by Annalee Skarin & Commentary by Reborn R. S. Whitefield →


Chapter XIII

From scientific observation we know that the laws of chemistry never fail. It is an exact science. Physical properties can be transmuted by adding two or more elements together or taking one or more elements away from a chemical compound. Annalee helps the reader to understand that everything in existence is chemistry. The spiritual gold that is tried in the fire for Christ’s sake is also an exact science. It is a science of transmutation from defilement to purity. Perhaps a better word to describe the gold that has been tried in the fire other than "transmutation", is that it is a science or work of “transfiguration”or “translation” from filthiness into pure, undefiled gold. Annalee encourages us in this chapter to understand that there are exact laws of spiritual chemistry just as there are exact laws of physical chemistry. And the laws of spiritual chemistry can be used to transfigure ANY condition, element, suffering or tragedy.

The opening paragraph of this chapter is a KEY to the power of transmutation. It will tell you the element needed for transfiguration of all conditions, including the condition of your heart, mind and very soul. I urge everyone to pick up that key and use it. If applied, this chapter alone can change a person's life.


"He who is thankful in all things shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred-fold, yea, more." (D. & C. 78:19).1

The chemists of old were men of great courage and of deep spiritual understanding. As their souls searched for light beyond the gloom and the orthodox dogma of the dark ages they were given knowledge and understanding. Had they endeavored to reveal the great truths they had discovered in their courageous searchings, they would have paid for those truths with their lives. They knew also that the world was not ready at that time for the knowledge they had been given through years of prayerful searching. Such truth and power as had come to them was far too sacred to be placed before the profane men with greedy minds who could use it for destruction. These alchemists, true to the trust placed upon them guarded their discoveries so well that the records of the alchemists of old leave only a hint of the power they possessed.

Roger Bacon, who was one of the very foremost alchemists, was completely rejected, and branded as a heretic or one in league with the devil by those in authority of the church at that time. He had desired knowledge for the sole purpose of benefiting the world -- because of the blindness of the leaders his works were never released to the world. All his books, his precious works of a life-time of research were taken out and publicly burned.

The one bit of knowledge that has survived the ravages of time and the mockery of the cynic is the information that these alchemists had the ability to transmute lead into gold. The alchemists themselves made no great boast of such an achievement, claiming only that it was the ability to transmute dross elements or conditions, into a higher spiritual quality.

The secrets of the alchemists, because of a world in darkness, were guarded carefully, yet a few notes have come down to the present day to give an idea of the vision they held. The figure of the transmutation of the base metals into gold symbolized the salvation man -- the transmutation of his own soul into spiritual gold, which condition was to be obtained by the elimination of all evil and the development of the good, by the grace of God. It was a symbolism of salvation or spiritual transmutation which may be described as the NEW Birth, or that condition of being known as "union with the Divine."

It was definitely known that each man had to find the secrets for himself, though Christ so clearly marked the way: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all else shall be added unto you." (Including one's temporal needs). "Labor not for the things that perish." etc.

The true law of alchemy is this: Every condition in life can be transmuted into glory and made divinely beautiful, no matter what that condition is. If we accept it, bless it, thank God for it, or be "Thankful in all things," we can transmute the grubby, bitter, heartbreaking experiences and conditions of life by this most perfect and exacting law of science, which is chemistry, into spiritual loveliness, we receive also the power to transmute our spiritual desires and dreams into tangible, material manifestation.

So it is that gold can be transmuted from lead, beauty from ugliness, joy from sorrow, light from darkness. These never failing laws of chemistry are HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS or His perfect laws in use. "A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge." As his knowledge and understanding increase, he is saved from every dark, contentious, destructive, gloomy condition of the earthly, material level of existence.

This law of chemistry never fails. Or should we call it "alchemy," which means "all chemistry"? "All Chemistry" includes the spiritual laws of change and transmutation as well as the material laws and elements. This "all chemistry" is the power of God in action. It is the most exacting, positive science. Certain procedures always bring the same exact results. The laws of chemistry are eternal, unchanging. Since existence began, and on until eternities upon eternities end, H20 will continue to be the formula which produces water. Every formula that has been tried and proven to be true at one time, has always been true, and will always be true.

The laws of "all chemistry," which include also the spiritual substance and elements, are just as exacting and just as positive in their results as the combination of H20 which includes two substances which can not be handled nor seen, yet combined produce a positive, tangible element which is most necessary to existence. Thus the laws of the spiritual chemistry of all existence is just as exactingly perfect as any chemical laws used in a laboratory constructed and equipped by man. It is the eternal law of God being put to use to transmute any condition, any element, any loneliness, any heart-break, any suffering or tragedy.

As one applies the law of "all chemistry," the road of life becomes a highway of light, and in his soul is an eternal song of ecstasy that never dies. The fountain of light enfolds him with its melody of gracious glory and there can be no more sorrow or distress in his life.

As one first begins to apply the laws of divine chemistry, he will find a joy such as life never before held. This ecstasy of soul will become permanently his when he learns to hold his place in the realms of light -- or to hold his complete awareness of the Spirit of God, and keep himself in tune with it. This is at first difficult. It requires a constant check on one's attention, one's thoughts and an intense holding of one's desires upon the very highest goal of existence and perfection. One has to learn to use constantly the most delicately refined radio in all existence -- the spiritual contact in his own soul -- the divine microphone in his own heart until he has "ears to hear" -- and "eyes to see." It is such a heavenly, breathtaking joy to be in the kingdom of higher thought or spiritual vibration, and such a lost feeling of darkness to withdraw from it, especially after one has once contacted it. Each time one finds his way back into the realms of light, the more tangible and real it becomes, and the haunting memories that linger in the heart when left to himself make one feel that the darkness is intensified. Again and again one may enter and depart before it becomes possible for him to understand completely and receive the fullness of the light, and Spirit of God. But there is one thing that is eternally certain, and that is, that the light of His righteousness is always there for us to enjoy, or the power by which we can rightly use His light. We withdraw from the light by errors of one sort or another, by our lack of humility, our selfishness or anything that may grieve the Spirit of the Lord, for it cannot endure even the appearance of sin -- and Sin is any thought, word, act or vibration that one sends forth that is out of tune with the heavenly laws of peace, love and light. As we learn to hold to light we soon discover that it dispels darkness. Love destroys hate and discord and fear. Peace banishes confusion. Thus as we learn to draw to us the light all evil is conquered.

The law of chemistry works speedily and completely. There are no half-way measures or guessing needed. The laws of "all chemistry" are just as positive, and as one turns his thoughts to God, he will instantly feel that light enfolding him, changing the conditions around him. It is a dangerous thing to climb into the realms of light and then forsake them. The new element of spirituality that has touched the hem of one's robe with the fingers of light may be the very element that can intensify the darkness and confusion if one rejects it.

The law of "all chemistry" or "Spiritual chemistry" is for the noble, those with deep desires and far vision. It is for those who wish to overcome all things that they might rise above all things. It is for those who love the Lord and their fellowmen. But it is also for those who have not yet developed the gift of love, those who have not yet stepped foot upon the road of light, for it will bring strength and power to any who will hold with determined hands to the course. It will develop vision in the eyes that have not seen, courage in the heart that has seemingly failed, hope in the breast of the hopeless, power in the soul of the weak. Light and glory was meant for every child of earth, thus as one distills the evils of life, the sorrows and the tears, with a prayer, with a whispered, loving message into the little radio set adding to it a song of praise and glory the great transmutation of sordid conditions into joy and peace begins to take place.

It is a glorious experience to learn that the kingdom of light, peace, glory and achievement is always there, waiting for us to step into it and take our place in the realms of light. It is just as possible to receive of these higher blessings as it is to receive any degree in college, and so much more satisfactory. When we learn to know and understand the divine power that is being manifest every day in our lives, when we learn to appreciate it, and work with it, then we will know also that the great gifts and powers Christ is waiting so anxiously to bestow upon us, become instantly ours. Then it is that we learn that power of the words, "Be still, and know that I am God." And "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man will hear my voice and will open the door, I will come in and sup with him, and he with me." "We will take up our abode with him." "These are my choice gifts (health, happiness, joy, peace, plenty and power not only to rule on this earth, but power to reach out into eternity) that I am so anxious to bestow upon my children as soon as they are prepared to receive them."

So are His words, and so is the power of fulfillment locked within each mortal man who desires to apply the laws of "spiritual chemistry" and in humble prayer turn the keys of the universe and open the realms of light.

This power of light is what people are unconsciously, and without full understanding, asking for, when they repeat the Lord's Prayer. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." After one finds this kingdom he brings it back to earth with him, or brings it forth from the inner realm of Spirit to be made manifest in all the outer conditions of his life, and forever thereafter he abides in it, and God's will is done in and through him even as it was through Jesus Christ.

This law of "spiritual chemistry" is the law of transmuting all conditions, all vibrations, all darkness into beauty and music and light. One must learn to speak the language of the angels, or "speak with new tongues." He must learn to speak from the soul and never from the lips, or even from the mind. He who speaks from the lips chatters. He who speaks from an empty mind adds confusion to discord. He who speaks from a full mind feeds the minds of men. He who speaks from his heart wins the confidence of mankind. But he who speaks from his soul heals the heartbreaks of a world and feeds the hungry, starving souls of men. He can dry the tears of anguish and pain. He can bring light, for he will carry light.

The language of the soul is a sacred language, and most beautiful. It can never hurt or injure. It can only bring a benediction of glory, for it is the language of the eternal spheres and the language of Gods. It is the gift of the Spirit known as "new tongues."

"Do you not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost? Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost."2 (2 Nephi 32:2).

The world is filled with dull speakers who weary the minds, hearts and souls of their listeners. It is also filled with those who pour out their worldly wisdom to glorify themselves. But how few there are who have even a small crumb of spiritual food, distilled in their own souls, and then sent forth to feed the starving souls of men. Learn to know the language of your speakers and you will know whom to trust, and who is sent of God, for everyone who is sent forth by the power of God upon him will speak with the voice of angels -- the language of the angels is the language of the soul, and is given through the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. This language has long since been lost and forgotten except by a few on this earth. It is a language of compassion, of love so tender, so merciful, so healing it will help to heal a world and enfold it in light. It is a language also that can go forth as a flame or fire to rebuke those who resist the light of God, but this must never be used except under the definite command of God, and then the power of love must be increased ten-fold as it is used. Learn to speak no word except it comes from the depth of your soul. The power of God goes with this language. It is never wasted.

As one truly learns to speak the language of the angels, he finds he can also walk and talk with God, and he can hold his place in the realms of light. He casts out all fear and darkness from his soul. He learns the majestic power of learning to pray for those who injure him. He knows that lip prayers have no meaning, and he prays for his enemies from the depths of his soul, and the love that passeth understanding fills his being. Thus any condition of discord, hate, confusion or misunderstanding can be transmuted into peace. Thus one's life becomes a melody of eternal praise, glory and devotion. Every breath becomes a song, for "If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body."

Men, for years, have rebelled at and resented the idea of being "wage slaves." The knights of the road testify of this rebellion. The thousands upon thousands of men who struggle with their daily labors in a weariness of soul too deep to express, shout their protests louder by their beaten despondency than words could ever convey. They are truly slaves, beaten slaves of drudgery. As the keys of understanding are placed in their grasp and they begin to use them, lifting their heads to a higher vision, with thankfulness to God, becoming truly "Thankful in all things," the soul will awake in song and the shackles drop away. They need no longer be slaves. They are masters. Masters over the elements they handle. Masters over their work, and as they continue they will soon be lifted into a higher service, and the things of this earth will be added unto them, yea a hundred-fold, and more.

With the language of the angels and the keys of transmutation one travels the highway of eternal life. It is the power and the kingdom in which the greatness of God can come again into a life -- a church -- a world.

As each day unfolds we have the power to gather it into our arms, to bless it, to glorify God for letting us live it, instead of permitting it to live us, as is so often the case. Then with blessing the day we seal it with glory and send it forth to glorify God forever. Then when evening gathers her silver shadows, we can send the day on into eternity a glorified light because our lives touched it, our souls caressed it, and because we lived it. This is our power, to transmute each day to the glory of God -- so shall every condition of our lives be transmuted into glory and we shall become the children of light.

When the mind can be turned into a shock absorber, or a transforming center, and we can take every thought and transmute it into beauty and love for the Lord, so that every condition can be blessed, and every discordant word and thought can be turned into light, then man is ready for the greater things. This great power of transmutation in its fullness is ours only when we have learned to abide in the light of the Spirit of God.

"For behold, God hath said a man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent it profiteth him nothing.

"And likewise also is it counted evil unto a man, if he shall pray and not with real intent of heart; yea, and it profiteth him nothing, for God receiveth none such."3 Moroni 7:6 & 9.

The power of transmutation is the power to contact the center of the soul, through the heart. This method alone holds the power of fulfilment and of perfection. It is the point of conception and of fulfilment.



1. RLDS DC 77:4c: and he who receiveth all things, with thankfulness, shall be made glorious, and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundredfold, yea, more; return to paragraph →

2. 2nd Nephi 14:3 1908 RLDS Book of Mormon: And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels, save it were by the Holy Ghost? Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. return to paragraph →

3. Moroni 7:5-8 1908 RLDS Book of Mormon: For behold, God hath said, A man being evil, can not do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent, it profiteth him nothing. For behold, it is not counted unto him for righteousness. For behold, if a man being evil, giveth a gift, he doeth it grudgingly; wherefore it is counted unto him the same as if he had retained the gift; wherefore he is counted evil before God. And likewise also is it counted evil unto a man, if he shall pray, and not with real intent of heart; yea, and it profiteth him nothing; for God receiveth none such; wherefore, a man being evil, can not do that which is good; neither will he give a good gift. return to paragraph →